Saturday, April 28, 2007


This is my first attempt at a blog, so please try not to be too brutal. I thought i'd do this as a way to talk about my life and the way things are going in it. So where to start... I joined weight watcher's last year and have lost a total of about 19lbs so far. I feel like I should have lost more, but I've kinda lost focus for awhile. (Dammit, I just like food and despise writing down what I eat). My group is pretty nice, but there is one woman in it, I really don't like. I'm fairly certain it's mutual. I was chatting to one of my "fat friends" about my recent ebay obsession and she just chimes in about how it didn't have anything to do with weight... Duh ! That was the point. plenty of time to blab about weight and self esteem during the meeeting. I wanted to talk about my new shoes! (they're Zebra patterned wedge heels if you're interested). What a cow.

I gained 1 lb this week. My clothes felt looser so I was pretty suprised. Not in that "hey ! i just found $10.00" way, but more the "Hey I forgot to pay the phone bill" way. Oh well, there's always next week. I keep saying that i'm gonna get up early and jog in the a.m but that hasn't happened yet. Intentions should burn calories shouldn't they? Stupid reality. Keeps ruining all my fun. Enough for now. see ya tomorrow.

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