Sunday, April 29, 2007


Bloody hell. They couldn't ignore the 0.2lbs?! I mean jeez. The 144 lbs is bad enough, but the 0.2 is just rubbing salt in the wound. Anyway, as I mentioned yesterday, i gained a pound this week. I'm gonna try and start running this week in the a.m before work. it'll mean about one hour less sleep, but that way ( feel free to enjoy my attempt at reason) I can get all my exercise done before I'm officially awake and then I can blithly do nothing for the rest of the day! Well, at least nothing physically demanding. If I actually do nothing, I'll probably be fired and live in a cardboard box on the side of the freeway. Or worse yet, move back home and live in my parent's basement.... Shudder.

So cross your fingers and wish me luck. Tomorrow starts the a.m workout. Now that I've told you guys (which to be honest, is actually only me 'cause I just started blogging) it seems more ... Official?!

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